Sales Driven Marketing Hub

6 Ways to Marry Account Based Marketing & Inbound Marketing

How can you marry account based and inbound marketing to better target and nurture prospects?

What differentiates account based marketing in the first place and why it is effective? 

Account based marketing is basically outbound marketing for specific accounts (usually companies). Instead of casting a wide net with outbound marketing efforts, account based marketing would be the equivalent of spearfishing--you’re going after one specific fish at a time with a better chance of getting it. 

3 Ways to Ensure Accurate Sales Projections

Sales projections are among the most common challenges for sales people and their managers. Why? What causes these forecasts to be so far off the mark? There are a few reasons. Some of which include:

  • Over optimism: People think it’s about about being positive.
  • Sales people need to buy some time and keep their managers off their backs, so they tell their managers what they want to hear.
  • The team and the manager collectively lack an understanding of the business and their sales cycle.
  • The deadliest culprit of all: Carrying over prospects who push month after month and keeping them on your projections report.

Why You Need to Create Different Types of Content

Every year, HubSpot surveys thousands of the world’s foremost marketers and salespeople to ask them about their most pressing priorities, the challenges they face, and the strategies they plan to add in the year ahead.

All of these insights are then consolidated into a master report: The State of Inbound. Over the last seven years, the report has tracked the practice and adoption of inbound marketing and sales. This year, the State of Inbound looks to the future. 

This year’s report focused on what's next in the world of marketing and sales so you can better prepare your business to meet the changing needs of your buyers. 

xoombi Announcement: Remote 365

Does your company operate in a remote enviroment? Are you considering moving in that direction? 

At xoombi, we are a 100% remote marketing agency for many companies all around the world. We have fine-tuned our operation to be very efficient and lean, while still showing massive results for our clients.

Because of the way we operate, we get questions about working remotely all the time, and we hear the hesitation of the unknown and potential hiccups. We have overcome those same hurdles in our business, and helped some clients utilize our approaches as well. 

Sales Demos: Where Deals Go to Die

“We have a great product; just get them to the demo, and the software sells itself!”

Wouldn’t that be nice? ...If only it were true.

Software rarely sells itself, but over and over again, I see software companies skipping critical steps in the sales process to get to the demo.

Here’s how the sales process plays out for companies who make this mistake.

6 Inbound Marketers You Don't Know (But You Should)

Most of us know the big names in inbound marketing, including Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, and the like, but what about those other, lesser known inbound marketers that are killing it?

A recent discussion over at got me thinking—who are these awesome inbound marketers we’ve never heard of and what can we learn from them? 

Here are a few of these folks, links to their sites, and what they specialize in (i.e. what you can learn from them!).

5 Ways to Ensure Small Business Success

Most small businesses are born out of love.

Someone has an idea, cares about it, and wants it to come to fruition. When that business idea finally starts to become a business reality, it’s a deeply personal accomplishment. 

As members of a small business team ourselves, we understand how personal the successes and failures of a small business are, which is why we’d like to share a few ways to ensure your company not only stays afloat, but thrives!

7 Things Every Sales VP Should Know About Sales Forecasting

Imagine you just received an urgent message from the directors at your company. They have to make an immediate decision that will set the direction of the company for the next five years. The decision will be based primarily on the sales forecast for which you own responsibility.

The meeting is in one hour, and they need you to present an accurate sales forecast.

If this were to happen to you, would you be able to deliver an accurate forecast? If you’re not sure, consider these seven things that can help you foster accurate sales forecasting.

Top 8 Blogging Mistakes You Might Not Know You're Making

We’ve all been there.

We realize the value of blogging and how it can boost our business’s visibility, position us as industry experts, and convert readers into prospects, but we’re not so sure how to execute.

If you’re ready to get your blog off the ground, here are a few blogging mistakes beginners (and even some vets) make. Get to know them in order to avoid making them yourself!

Influencer Outreach: How to Connect with Influencers on Twitter

We’ve talked about influencer marketing before and why it’s so important you know the influencers in your industry. After all, these people already have the ear of your target audience.

This means that if you’re able to connect with them and add value to the conversations they’re having, those influencers and their followers will start to pay attention to you.

But how do you go about creating relationships with these people? 

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