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7 Straightforward Ways to Achieve Social Media Growth

Growth on social media is becoming more and more challenging. As more people come online day after day, the amount of noise you have to cut through is multiplying. It’s a challenge, but a challenge that you can overcome with the right plan and tactics.

Today I’m going to share with you seven ways that I’ve seen marketers achieve social media growth online. These tactics have been tried and tested by many and are consistently helping individuals and organizations develop an audience and grow a following that leads to meaningful results.

Here are a couple things that I find helpful for sustaining growth on social. 

Microsoft to Buy LinkedIn: What It Means for You

It was recently reported that Microsoft Corp. has agreed to buy LinkedIn Corp. for a whopping $26.2 billion. This will be Microsoft’s biggest deal ever.

The 26.2 billion dollars break down to $196 per LinkedIn share. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said they began talking about the cash deal in February.

14 Marketing Productivity Tools

Everyone has different productivity rituals. 

Some people may find that sitting in a certain spot or drinking a certain beverage helps them get into go mode. But sometimes the routines that worked for us in the past just simply doesn’t cut it anymore. 

So what are some things you can do to increase your marketing productivity and get more stuff done? 

What follows are 14 marketing productivity tools that will help you avoid distractions, concentrate better, be more creative, and even help you fall asleep easier when the work day is done! 

Scientific Studies Prove that Content Marketing Works

It’s now been scientifically proven that content marketing works!

On their “This Old Marketing” podcast, Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose of the Content Marketing Institute shared some interesting findings from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Thomas Barregren, a Swedish content marketer, pointed out in a post that with five empirical studies, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) found a “clear link between consumer willingness to voluntarily take part [in] a brand’s advertising and the same brand’s previous communication.” 

In other words, brands that “continuously offer value to consumers in how they communicate—for instance, by being useful, interesting, fun, or creative—will over time build a kind of trust capital which is called advertising equity.” 

Why Interactive Content is the Future of Content Marketing

What is interactive content?

According to SnapApp, interactive content is “Content that requires the participants’ active engagement - more than simply reading or watching. In return for that engagement, participants receive real-time, hyper-relevant results they care about.” 

This type of content comes in the form of interactive infographics, quizzes, calculators, polls and more, and is considered a better way to “educate, entertain, and engage your audience.”

3 Lessons from a HubSpot Demand Generation Marketer

My friend Jessica is kind of a big deal.

She started out at HubSpot in 2013 and has worked her way from a support engineer to a demand generation marketer and speaker in less than three years.

What’s more, she’s created global email campaigns, sending more than one million emails per week, and has grown HubSpot’s Instagram following from 4,500 to 30,000 followers in just one year (that’s 500% growth people). 

How to Reach Your Target Audience Online

These days, there are a lot of things to think about when it comes to marketing. On top of managing traditional marketing tactics, many marketers are being stretched thin when asked to create online marketing campaigns as well.

But where do you even start when embarking on the digital marketing journey?

I would recommend first finding your target audience online and going from there. That is if your business is already established (in other words, you’re not a startup) and you already have the basics—like branding and messaging—down.

10 Lesser-Known Social Media Tools

When it comes to social media, reliable tools can be the difference between hours and minutes of work.

While most people are familiar with the more popular tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, Klout and Mention, there are a lot of lesser-known social media tools out there—and more popping up every day. 

Here are 10 of those lesser-known tools and why you might want to give them a try. Who knows, your favorite tool might still be out there waiting for you to discover it!

13 Marketing Podcasts to Add to Your Queue Today

We live in an age where you can learn a lot about almost any given industry for free online.

Take digital marketing for instance. If you were interested in learning about the industry, you could learn a ton about it online from free resources like eBooks, videos, webinars, blog posts and podcasts.

While the former examples are more common, the latter is still, in my opinion, an underrated form of content.

If you still haven’t jumped into listening to podcasts, now might be the time. They can offer a ton of valuable information in a fun way.

New Twitter Update: Getting the Most out of 140 Characters

Recently, Twitter announced that we’ll finally be able to get a little more bang out of our 140 character tweets. 

In a tweet published on May 24th, Twitter wrote “In the coming months, we’re introducing new ways for you to express even more with a Tweet.” This tweet included a GIF of the “three new ways to make the most of your 140 characters.” 

So what exactly is Twitter talking about and how will this benefit you? Read on to learn more.

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