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5 Inbound Marketing Experiments that Drive Growth

Companies are always looking for fresh, new ways to boost conversions and drive growth online.

While we’re big fans of A/B testing for elements you’re already using on your site, it’s also fun to conduct bigger inbound marketing experiments for things you haven’t tried out yet.

What we don’t want is for you to conduct a huge experiment that takes a lot of time and effort and produces little to no results. Therefore, we’ve scoured the web to find what experiments have actually worked for others (as well as some that have worked for us) and how you can implement them yourself.

Apply These 5 Secret Techniques to Improve SEO

Is it just me or is SEO always getting painted as this big scary monster everyone seems to be intimidated by?

This is probably because optimizing websites for search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing is a very difficult and tedious task for most. It continues to be one of marketers’ most challenging duties when it comes to online marketing. And just when you think you’re getting the hang of it, Google goes and changes its algorithm! 

I wish I had a magical formula that guaranteed a top ranking on search engines, but unfortunately, there is no such thing. However, I do have a few secret techniques to share that can help improve SEO.

Why You Need a User Friendly Website

These days, there are a ton of factors Google and other search engines consider when ranking your website.

From the more technical elements (canonicalization, HTML elements, HTTP status codes, etc.) to content best practices (backlinks, videos, long-form content, etc.), search engines are more advanced than ever—meaning they’re also more picky than ever.

One factor that is becoming increasingly important is user friendliness, also known as user experience or UX. Basically, Google wants visitors to your site to have a good experience. Therefore, if you have a user friendly website, Google will like you more and rank you higher.

7 Ways Video Marketing Can Generate Leads & Drive ROI

We recently wrote a post outlining how video marketing can boost lead conversion. Now let’s dive into how it can also help generate leads and drive ROI.

During the same webinar referenced in our previous post, Quintain CEO Kathleen Booth outlined seven ways in which this incredibly engaging form of marketing can help you target and convert the prospects you want.

Here’s how lead gen forms, video testimonials, and including videos on your landing pages can make your overall video marketing efforts more effective.

7 Facebook Marketing Tips

Are you marketing your B2B business on Facebook?

BuzzSumo recently did an awesome webinar with Facebook expert Mari Smith, during which she answered 56 questions (mostly from marketers) about how to best use the social media giant. 

Here are some of the most interesting and actionable takeaways we got from the webinar. 

Buying Blog Traffic: Is it Worth It?

You notice your blog traffic is taking a dive.

Maybe it’s because of a new LinkedIn update, or maybe your email click through rate has gone down. Either way, you want to get your traffic back up and are weighing your options.

One fairly easy way to do this is to buy blog traffic. But what are the pros and cons of this? Does it negatively affect your SEO? Will it drive any conversions?

Read on to explore some answers to these common questions.

3 Key Elements of High Quality Content

Atomic Reach recently conducted a study on blog content performance trends for 2016, and the findings were pretty interesting. 

This machine learning marketing platform has analyzed one million articles from 8,000 content feeds on over 3000 topics.

Let’s take a look at what the best-performing content across multiple subject areas can tell us about what we should be doing when sitting down to write.

Manual vs. Predictive Lead Scoring: What You Should Know

Are you using lead scoring to better understand how likely your leads are to convert and when they should be sent over to sales?

Implementing lead scoring as a part of your overall marketing strategy can help you better focus your marketing efforts while making you more efficient. 

If you’re considering using this awesome technique to get an edge over the competition, it’s first important to know your options. 

Here are the differences between manual and predictive lead scoring and what tools you can use to get started.

How to Use Video Marketing to Boost Lead Conversion

Are you harnessing the power of video in your marketing strategy?

I recently watched a webinar entitled “Using Video to Boost Lead Conversion” presented by Kathleen Booth, CEO of Quintain, a video marketing company and Wistia Agency Partner.

During the webinar, I learned a lot of great information about this form of marketing and how to use this powerful type of content to boost lead conversion.

Here are some important stats and the do’s and don’ts of creating videos.

How to Get Started with Content Personalization: List Segmentation & More

You may have heard the term before, but weren’t quite sure what it meant. 

So what’s the purpose of content personalization and how can you leverage it to convert more leads? 

Let’s first walk through the basics and then dive into the nitty gritty of implementing it yourself.

What is Content Personalization? 

To put it simply, content personalization is ensuring content is personalized to the specific individual you’re addressing. This can be done by addressing who they are (name), where they are (geo-location), how they’ve come to that specific page of content (where they’ve been on your site or what they’ve downloaded before), etc.

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