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6 Ways to Achieve Sales & Marketing Alignment in the Buyer's Journey [SLIDESHARE]

According to a report by Forrester Research, only eight percent of B2B companies have achieved effective sales and marketing alignment. Although department leaders believe there's much to be gained from teams working together to increase lead flow and generate revenue, why doesn't it happen?

Some colleagues tell me sales and marketing alignment is impossible to achieve. I disagree.

How do we move teams from talking the talk to walking the walk? Here are six ways to achieve sales and marketing alignment.

4 Things You Can Do Now to Build Brand Advocates

It’s something every business strives for.

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, there’s a certain type of person who can really take your business to the next level. Not only can she boost your MRR, she can also be the difference between one and five new clients. 

She is the brand advocate.

Brand advocates are any company’s favorite type of customer. Not only are they paying customers, they use your product or service a lot and they love it. In fact, they love it so much that they talk about it on a regular basis. 

Instagram for Business: How to Get Started

Many businesses in the B2B space may look at this title and think, do I really need to be on Instagram?

While it’s true that when it comes to the business presence on the site, it’s primarily B2C companies dominating Instagram. However, that doesn’t mean B2B companies shouldn’t be and can’t find success on the network. 

This also doesn’t mean that every B2B business absolutely should be on Instagram either. Every company is unique and will find its audience on certain social media sites—some will work, some simply won’t. 

7 Motivational Tips to Get You Out of Bed in the Morning

Motivation is key when it comes to getting your day started, and some days, we all need a little extra push.

For those days when it’s just a little more difficult than usual to get out of bed, here are a few motivational tips that might inspire you to get moving! 

How to Boost Conversion Rate 1 AB Testing Variable at a Time

Doing AB testing is a great way to see if quick, minor changes can help improve your website’s overall conversion rate. 

Think of it this way: If taking five minutes out of your workday to make a simple change on your site resulted in even a 2% boost in conversions, would you do it? Of course you would! 

In this post we’ll cover the basics of AB testing, including what you’ll need to run one, how to make your tests successful, and how to get accurate results. 

5 Steps You Need to Follow to Start a Blog

Starting a blog can be tough: There’s a lot of steps to think about and the process of creating, publishing and promoting content can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be!

I recently checked out Neil Patel’s webinar “1,000,000 Visitors/Mo and Counting: How to Create a Blog that Doesn’t Suck.” If you’re going to take advice on how to start a blog from anyone, take it from Neil. His blog Kissmetrics hit 1,000,000 visitors a month without any paid advertising!

Buyer Personas: Do You Really Need Them?

I was recently assigned a project of developing buyer personas for a new client we recently onboarded. It initially involved a lengthy discussion answering (seemingly) unnecessary and pointless questions about made-up people.

Where did they go to college?

Where do they live?

What are some hobbies they enjoy in their free time? Blah. Blah.

6 Pro & Cons of Using Medium to Host Content

By: Jon Lee

If you’ve been thinking about hosting content on Medium, this post is for you. Below, I’ll cover the pros and cons of using Medium to host content from a marketer’s perspective.

This will provide you with a good idea of what to expect from one of the most popular blogging platforms on the web, a platform with over 25 million views a month.

Neil Patel AMA: Content Marketing, Pokemon Go & That Ad

The awesome internet marketing community Online Geniuses recently hosted an AMA with Neil Patel, co-founder of KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg and Quick Sprout. You might remember him from our post on influencers’ social media pet peeves.

I'm such a fan girl. 

During the AMA, Neil answered questions on everything from email, content marketing and SEO to the future of digital marketing and Pokemon Go!

Let’s jump right in.

7 Steps to Creating an eBook

We work with a lot of clients to create gated assets, including tip sheets, on-demand webinars, self-assessments and—the most popular of all—eBooks.

When it comes to creating an eBook, many people don’t know where to start or are unaware of the amount of effort they should invest.

To give you some insight into the process, here are some of the benefits of creating an eBook and the steps we recommend you follow.

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