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Top 4 Takeaways from Sales Stack 2015

This past week the xoombi team attended Sales Hacker’s Sales Stack 2015 Conference. Not only was the location amazing (on the water at San Francisco’s Pier 27), the content was very informative.

If you weren’t able to attend, we got you covered! 

Here are the top four takeaways from the conference.

Best Sales Acceleration Conferences of 2016

Sales conferences help you learn new sales tactics and teach you how to leverage sales enablement technology. These events also give you the opportunity to do what salespeople do best—network! 

To help you start planning ahead, here are five of the best sales acceleration conferences of 2016.

6 Ways to Shorten Your Sales Cycle

Many organizations are frustrated by how long their sales sales cycle has become. How long does it take your prospects to make a decision? ...and what can sales and marketing teams do to speed up customer buying decisions?

Here are six things you can do to speed up the sales cycle.

Is Your Sales Pipeline Scary?

Is a lack of leads haunting you? Are your sales projections too frightening to think about?

How to Become a Well Known Brand and Increase Sales

Our CEO Doyle Slayton was recently a guest on Andy Paul’s podcast Accelerate!. Click the play button below to listen to the 30 minute podcast.

During the show, Doyle discussed strategies that help you avoid being the best company no one has ever heard of, as well as the steps required to increase sales by positioning your company as a thought leader, industry expert and a trusted advisor.

Here are some questions Andy posed to Doyle and what we learned from his responses.

Best Practices from the Top 3 Inbound Conference Keynotes

That’s a wrap! Hubspot’s Inbound15 Conference came to a conclusion last Friday, and what a show it was! 

There was a lot of learning done and fun had. Here are some highlights of and takeaways from our favorite conference keynotes. 

5 Reasons Why the Internet Can’t Replace Salespeople

Companies are always looking for ways to create a purchasing pathway on their website to facilitate the buying/signup process online, even for complex B2B solutions. The challenge not only lies in being able to make a complex purchase online, it’s also about ensuring proper expectations are set and a strong implementation is executed.

So what do you need to help facilitate this process and make sure prospects don’t slip through the cracks of your purchasing pathway?

Enter salespeople.

Great salespeople play a much bigger role than simply convincing someone to buy. Here are five reasons why the internet can’t replace them.

How to Predict the Likelihood of Closing a Sale

There are ways to track your selling process to predict the likelihood of closing a sale.

While the mantra of “always be closing” still rings true, there are other factors at play you might find surprising. 

Implisit recently analyzed over 20,000 opportunities to find out what predicts the likelihood of closing a sale. Here are their findings so you can better manage your sales pipeline.

How to Align Sales and Marketing to Keep Control of the Sale

A couple of weeks ago we asked readers to share their best practices for keeping prospects engaged and moving through the sales funnel. In the work we’ve done with clients, we most often see deals stall after the demo.

Today, we share our own tips for how to align sales and marketing to maintain control of the sale. Here’s a step by step process your team can follow to leverage high impact content and collateral to keep deals from stalling.

How to Run Successful First Time Sales Appointments

Sales appointments are difficult to get. When you have one, you need go in prepared to win.

Here are the seven things you can do to run successful first time sales appointments...

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