
Sales Driven Marketing Hub

How to Get Your Hubspot CRM to Work: Training Your Sales Team

By: Kasie Dailey
Kasie Dailey
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hubspot crm sales team

By now, your HubSpot CRM should be ready to rock. You understand how to use the Contact, Companies, Deals and Tasks features and have set up your Lead Statuses and Deal Stages using Sequences.

To refresh your memory, you can always watch this HubSpot video that gives a quick tour of the platform.

Now that the machine is built, your salespeople need to be taught how to use it correctly.

Here’s how we train our clients (and their salespeople) to use the HubSpot CRM effectively and efficiently.

1. Enter Contact 

Create a new contact as needed. Make sure you enter all of the information you have about the prospect.

2. Add Company 

If you have the contact’s company email address, the contact’s work email will automatically add a company or associate it with the company record. The work email will populate the website, which will populate all of the contact information for that company as well as other public information. (Cool, right?) 

3. Add Lead Status

Begin managing the lead status in the contact record. 

4. Add Tasks and Sequences

Enroll the contact in the desired email, call and task sequences.

5. Complete Tasks

It’s a best practice to add notes with the current situation and next steps, as well as update it to the next lead status. 

6. New Tasks 

Add a new sequence if applicable or manually assign a follow up task. 

7. Create Deals 

When you meet with a prospect, add a new deal to the pipeline. Move the lead status to “open deal” and create a new deal. Add everything you know about the deal so far, and create new tasks for the next steps as needed.

8. Maintain Deals 

Keep detailed, regular notes of activities in the Appointment and Contract deal stages. 

9. Close Deals

All deals should systematically progress towards Won, Lost, or Stalled. Remember, they can’t remain in the active pipeline forever. Remember to also update the lead status to match the outcome of the deal. 

By adopting a CRM that makes salespeople more efficient and moves deals down the pipeline faster, you’ll see dramatic improvements in your close rates and overall revenue. 

What’s more, if you train your sales team to use these nine steps to get their own CRMs up and running, they’ll be ready to dominate their pipelines and close more deals!

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Kasie Dailey


Kasie Dailey

Kasie Dailey is the Director of Client Services at xoombi. She doesn't think outside the box, she believes there is unlimited potential inside it, and creates processes that leave room for the spontaneous. She approaches inbound marketing campaigns the same way she approaches a mural: starting with the end in mind. She constructs her inbound marketing campaigns considering the end of the buyers journey. She spends a lot of time determining how to support the sales staff best by delivering the best possible leads, teeing them up for smooth transactions, and ensuring customer happiness for higher referral rates.


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