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7 Tips To Find 31 Extra Hours Every Month

Did you know that the average office worker attends 62 meetings on average every month? The average worker also believes that at least half of their meetings are a complete waste of time. The average meeting is scheduled for an hour, so that means we believe we waste 31 hours a month in meetings that add no value. If your meetings look anything like the video below, then it’s time to for a change.

CC: Does Your Carbon Copy Care?

Did you know that on average we spend about 28% of our workweek processing email? That's more than 16 work weeks a year! We can do better than that. So, here’s a Jedi email trick for mastering the cc line that will cut your email time in half. (McKinsey Global Institute)

Four Disciplines of Extraordinary Leaders

The best leaders are great because of the way they think. Extraordinary leaders separate themselves by the way they communicate what they are thinking. They have, the "Universal Edge," in that they understand their audience, and know how to make a connection.

Your Mess Can Change The World

Every journey starts with a single step. For those journeys that truly matter, that first step is usually walking right into a pile of you know what.

The secret is to turn that mess into your message. Think about those who we have forged in our minds as the greatest among men. Everyone of them had a struggle. Without the struggle there is no pinnacle in the story line. Without struggle, there is no hero. Without struggle, life becomes dull and boring.

So how do you do it? Give hope to people. Teach them something. Or simply share your experience.

13 Ways to Make Your Sales Manager Love You

The most important relationship you can build at work is with your boss. Most people come to work and focus their attention on building relationships with their co-workers and with their clients, but they don’t spend enough time thinking about building a strong working relationship with their manager. The irony is… interactions with your boss can make or break the emotional outcome of your entire day.

You can walk into just about any office and in a very short time; you can tell… that’s the “golden child”. Everybody wants to be a part of that club. Here are 13 ways to earn your way into “the circle”…

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