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Deltina Hay

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Twitter Cards: 3 Steps to Make Your Tweets More Interesting

Have you ever wondered why some websites feature summaries and photos in the Twitter timeline while others do not?

There is a process you have to go through to get Twitter to list summaries, photos, or videos (called Twitter cards) for referenced URLs within tweets.

There are three steps to getting your website summary in the Twitter timeline:

Anatomy of a Tweet

Ever wonder how you can best leverage 140 characters in a tweet? This Twitter for Business lesson explores the anatomy of a tweet, including hashtags, mentions, short URLs, and abbreviations.

The lesson also explores the elements of a tweet once it has been published. I'll show you the different ways you can view and share your own tweets and others' tweets from within your timeline.

Hidden Treasures of the Twitter Platform

In this segment of the Twitter for Business series, we explore the hidden treasures of the Twitter platform.

The platform may seem simple, but there are many features and functions you may be missing if you don't know where to look.

This video explores the main areas of the Twitter platform including the...

Twitter for Business

Twitter for Business teaches you everything you need to know about leveraging twitter to market your business. There are 17 lessons. You can learn the essentials in under an hour. But if you want more, there is an additional hour of bonus lessons and videos.

Twitter is one of the best ways to get the message out about your business, events, and products. Used effectively, Twitter can easily out-perform other social networking sites. This course walks you through how to use Twitter to its full potential using step-by-step, real-world examples.

Each week, for the next 17 weeks, I'll share a new video!

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