
Sales Driven Marketing Hub

Is Your Sales Pipeline Scary?

sales pipeline

Is a lack of leads haunting you? Are your sales projections too frightening to think about?

If you’re freaked out by your sales pipeline and/or scared by your performance, here are different content elements you can implement at the top, middle, and bottom of your sales funnel.

Top of the Funnel

Create great content like blog posts and infographics that answer your prospects’ most desperate questions. What are their pain points and how can you solve them? By creating easily digestible content that has a broad reach, you’ll be able to attract more potential customers to your blog and entice them to check out more of your website.

It’s also important to use gated assets like tip sheets and eBooks to get these people to convert from visitors to prospects. Once you have their email addresses and any other pertinent information, you’ll be able to continue marketing to them and proceed to the middle of the funnel.

Middle of the Funnel

During this point in the funnel, you need to use white papers, eBooks, and webinars to establish your expertise in the areas where your prospects have questions and need help.

These should add even more value than you’ve already offered at the top of the funnel, enticing your prospects to stick around and learn even more about and from your business. Webinars are especially effective as they’re more interactive and prospects can ask questions in real-time.

Bottom of the Funnel

Offer demos, consultations, assessments, ROI models and case studies at the bottom of the funnel to get in front of your leads and help prove your business case.

These offers should provide the most value, positioning you as the end-all be-all for your area of expertise. These should also be the most interactive of all content throughout the sales funnel, as this is when you want your prospects to be the most engaged. Not only can you find out a lot more about their specific pain points, you can gauge their interest in your business by the types of questions they ask.


By harnessing value added content throughout the sales funnel, you’ll more easily and quickly move prospects to close.

No matter how scary your sales pipeline, you'll immediately be more effective by leveraging the right content at the right time.

And if all else fails, don't call the Ghostbusters, call xoombi.

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Lolly Spindler


Lolly Spindler

Lolly Spindler is the Content Marketing Manager at xoombi. A writer by trade, Lolly loves to make the written word work for clients by delivering high quality, engaging content to their audiences. She leads the xoombi content marketing team in executing demand generation, SEO, and copy editing strategies. Lolly is a graduate of Boston University.


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