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13 Ways to Make Your Sales Manager Love You


The most important relationship you can build at work is with your boss. Most people come to work and focus their attention on building relationships with their co-workers and with their clients, but they don’t spend enough time thinking about building a strong working relationship with their manager. The irony is… interactions with your boss can make or break the emotional outcome of your entire day.

You can walk into just about any office and in a very short time; you can tell… that’s the “golden child”. Everybody wants to be a part of that club. Here are 13 ways to earn your way into “the circle”…

1. Come to Work

Sounds silly to even mention, but it’s amazing how often some people miss work these days. They come in late… they leave early… it’s always something. Make sure your sales manager doesn’t have to worry about whether or not you’re coming to work.

2. Be Respectful

Show respect for those who have been assigned as authority figures in your life.

3. Follow Directives

When your boss gives you a task or a project, make it a top priority. No matter how “stupid” you think it is, what’s important to your manager must be important to you.

4. Drive Initiatives

When new initiatives are rolled out, a lot of people like to sit back with a “wait and see” attitude. You need to be the person who is buys in right from the start. Lead the way and get things moving at full speed!

5. Communicate Updates

Always keep your sales manager in the loop. Let them know when new information is available, and always be prepared to answer questions accurately and effectively.

6. Positive Influence

Be the teammate that brings everyone up to a higher level of excellence. For example, let’s say someone is complaining during a team meeting. Share an idea or solution that would help overcome that challenge.

7. Know Your Stuff

Put yourself on a development fast track. You will always have questions and should always be learning, but the questions you ask should match your time on the job. In other words, you don’t want to have too many instances where your boss, or your teammate, is thinking, “they should know that by now.”

8. Provide Insight

Every team has its challenges. Work on accurately pinpointing the things that need improvement and provide effective solutions that will fix problems quickly and efficiently.

9. Be Loyal

You gain a lot of points when you work in the best interest of your company, your sales manager, and your team. Be committed, do the right thing, and when necessary, even though you don’t want to be a tattle tale, notify your boss of unsettling information or disruptive behavior on the team.

10. Joint Activities

Invite your boss to spend the day with you. Have them ride along for appointments and welcome them when they want to listen in on your sales calls. Use it as a time to have fun, spend a lot of time laughing, get to know each other, and make big things happen!

11. Babysitting Not Required

Whether or not your sales manager is watching, do your job…it’s that simple.

12. Crank It!

Work the phones harder than anyone. I have a challenge for you. Come into work around 7:45 AM and get all your stuff up and running. The minute the clock strikes 8:00 AM, start hammering the phones for about two or three hours straight. See if you can make about 20 to 30 calls in that time. By noon, everyone in the office will be talking about you… and your boss will love you!

13. Promise and Deliver

Make a commitment to meet or exceed your goals. Set the standard for consistently being a top producer who is dependable month after month.

What other employee / boss relationship building tips would you add to this list?

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Sales, Business

Doyle Slayton


Doyle Slayton

Call Me at 214.494.9315

Doyle Slayton is an internationally recognized Sales and Leadership Strategist, Speaker, and Blogger. He is Co-Founder of xoombi, a sales acceleration company and sales driven marketing agency that works with CXO's to develop, implement, and execute inbound marketing and inbound sales strategies. xoombi strengthens your outbound with inbound to help grow your business.


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